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In addition to complying with legislative requirements, Corepeople’s equal opportunity policy ensures that we have available to us, without discrimination, the entire pool of human resources and talents. The Company will not discriminate on grounds of sex, marital status, ethnic origin, colour, disability, nationality or other grounds of discrimination not prohibited by legislation such as sexual orientation or age.

This policy applies to the advertisement of jobs, recruitment and appointments to them, training, conditions of work, pay and to every other aspect of employment. Unless it can be justified on the grounds of business needs, the Company will not impose any conditions that could have an adverse effect on someone because of his or her sex, race or marital status. These principles apply equally to our treatment of jobseekers; we will not transact with Employer organisations failing to adhere to the same policies and will have no compunction in reporting legislative contraventions to the Equal Opportunities Commission.

For us, Equal Opportunities are enshrined in our Dignity at Work policy, which details how we believe all stakeholders in our business should be treated.

Dignity At Work


Who we regularly recruit for